ओपन नलेज नेपालद्वारा खुल्ला डाटा पुस्तिकाको पहिलो संस्करण प्रकाशित

- Nikesh Balami | Sun Sep 10 2017

ओपन नलेज नेपालद्वारा आयोजित “खुल्ला डाटा पुस्तिका” को प्रथम नेपाली संस्करण बिमोचन कार्यक्रम २०७४ साल साउन २३ गतेका दिन मुड्स लंज त्रीपुरेश्वोरमा भब्य कार्यक्रमका बीच सम्पन्न गरियो । उक्त कार्यक्रममा ओपेन डाटाको क्षेत्रमा लाग्नुभएका विभिन्न व्यक्ति तथा संस्थाहरुको उल्लेखनीय सहभागिता थियो । कार्यक्रमा राष्ट्रिय सूचना आयोगका प्रमुख सूचना आयुक्त्त श्री कृष्णहरि बास्कोटा, काठमाडौँ लिभिंग ल्याब्सका Learn more

Open Data Handbook now available in the Nepali Language

- Nikesh Balami | Thu Aug 17 2017

On 7 August 2017 Open Knowledge Nepal launched the first version of Nepali Open Data Handbook – An introductory guidebook used by governments and civil society organizations around the world as an introduction and blueprint for open data projects. The book was launched by Mr. Krishna Hari Baskota, Chief Information Commissioner of National Information Commission, Dr. Learn more

Fundraising for Open Data Handbook Nepali Version

- Nikesh Balami | Fri Aug 05 2016

Open Data Barometer 2015, a global annual survey that measures and ranks the availability, readiness, and impact of open (government) data of nations ranked Nepal at position 68 among 92 countries surveyed. Nepal’s overall score is 13.09, Readiness score is 22, Implementation score is 12, and Impact score is 8. The scores are relative to Learn more
