Kathmandu Metropolitan in City Spending Data Party

Prakash Neupani

Prakash Neupani


Wed Jul 24 2013

Kathmandu Metropolitan is largest city of Nepal, Most of the ministries, administrative office, country governing body, legislative entity, security force are in this city. So it is obvious to have the Kathmandu metropolitan in the highest interest of nation. Because of it, every year government has allocated big amount of budget for functioning it, beside it metropolitan is also one of the high revenue collector. For the first time, Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal has worked on the spending of Kathmandu metropolitan, in City Spending Data Party on July 19-21.

The total budget for 2013/14 allocated in Kathmandu Metropolitan is 2630894000, which is 0.509% of total budget of nation. As compare with last year, it seems 18.79% increment in total. The city has planned to expend that amount in four titles:budget

  • पूँजीगत सम्पत्ति खर्च (capital ),
  • तलब, पारिश्रमिक, सुविधा खर्च (Salary and Facilities),
  • कार्यालय सञ्चालन खर्च(Office Running)and
  • पूर्वाधार सुधार तथा अन्य विकास खर्च (Infrastructure and Development)

which we can see in diagram Total Budget for 2071. We can see the big portion of budget(more than 75%) is planning to expend in पूर्वाधार सुधार तथा अन्य विकास खर्च (Infrastructure and Development).

If we compare this with last year, we can see significant rises in पूर्वाधार सुधार तथा अन्य विकास खर्च (Infrastructure and Development) and also the increment in the salary of employees.


Lets analysis each component.

कार्यालय सञ्चालन खर्च(Office Running)
Kathmandu Metropolitan has estimating to expend 162483000 for this year in office running. Where this money will be used in service and training, बित्तिय खर्च, maintenance, publication, communication, rents, vehicle, goods and many more. Most of the budget is planning to expend in service and training and बित्तिय खर्च.


पूँजीगत सम्पत्ति खर्च

Metropolitan has allocated 138235000, which is the least portion in total for physical infrastructure and public construction, environment management, development on tourism and culture heritage, social development, city development international relation and many more. As per diagram above we can see the largest amount is distributed for physical infrastructure and public construction and environment management where lowest cost is spending for special program and other administrative tasks.

तलब, पारिश्रमिक, सुविधा खर्च (Salary and Facilities):
It is obvious, the government has to arrange for salary and facility for people who work for governemnt to work for it. So diagram itself shows, government has to spend it’s huge money in salary and payment, it have to allocated money for permanent workers, employee’s retirement spending. The total amount of these three title consist more than rest of all.


पूर्वाधार सुधार तथा अन्य विकास खर्च (Infrastructure and Development)
From few years, government has prioritize the city development, so it shows it self 75.3% of total budget of metropolitian is spending for existing infrastructure maintenance and development, which is 22.34% increment than last year budget.


Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal has organized 3 days program with the support of Smart Samaj, that provide all the resource for program. As per plan, we organized data party on july 19 and 20, where data wranglers and civic coders were working. And Finally july 21 was for the public, where we invited different people to show what we made in 2 days.

The source of data was in official website of Kathmandu metropolitan http://www.kathmandu.gov.np/pdf/f29a0integrated%20budget%207071.PDF , With in 2 days, we convert those data in csv: http://bhetus.com/budget_data/                        https://github.com/prakashneupane/openspendingkathmandu/tree/master/data
From those data we have push it in openspending.org :http://openspending.org/kathmandu_spending_budget

The challenges what we faced :

  • The data was in PDF
  • The language is in nepali, not in nepali unicode
  • Lack of technical idea of platform

So it really challenges for us to scrap all the data from pdf, once it scrapped out next problem was in font, which is not displaying in most of the computer,
We were expecting the technical support from other people, but due to the program in other place, we couldn’t got people to assist. So we couldn’t proper manage the data in openspending specially dimension mapping.

Check out Slides:

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