Prakash Neupani
|Sun Sep 29 2013
28th September, 2013 Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal has organized Mini Spending Data Party in Kathmandu. To join the Global movement for Budget Transparency. As the day has lot of events happening in town, Spending Party was call on 5 PM. Around 14 data enthusiastic gathered in venue. The idea for working on Budget Data of 2013/14 was ok for everyone. So the group was divided into two sub group with different topic.
One group was ready for Service and Functional Details (Including Financing) of Government of Nepal Budget and another was for Foreign Grant and Loan Summary for Budget 2013/14.
Friedrich Lindenberg, Knight-Mozilla Open News Fellow from Germany was also in there, so he was there to assist and help what ever comes while doing.
Team of Bobby, Nikesh, Sajesh and Kshitiz did there work strating from scrapping the data from pdf using TabulaPDF, cleaning it and mapping it into openspending Foreign Grant and Loan Summary. See how it look like:
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Same exercise had done by team of Rajesh, Manish, Rajan and Dheer for Service and Functional Details (Including Financing) …. here is their work: